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Our Approach

You cannot teach a man anything.  You can only help him discover it within himself” 
Galileo Galilei  ( 1564-1642 )

We would like to help you in discovering the career paths and areas within them which you want to pursue. We understand that you may be exploring multiple career areas, many of which are emerging careers of the 21st Century.

At Dots To Dashes, you have the choice to connect with mentors from over 500  career areas of the 21st Century in over 75 different career pathways.

Business Management
& Administration

Sales & Marketing
Management & Admin
Hospitality & Tourism

Manufacturing &
Technology Engineering

Transportation & Logistics
Architecture & Construction

Human Services

Law & Security
Govt & Public Admin
Human Service
Education Training

Arts, Communications
& Information System

Arts & Media
Sports & Fitness
Information Technology

Health Science Tech

Health Sciences

Agri-Food &
Natural resources
