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Our Programs

SMART Goals decided for all programs right at the start


Well-defined outcome set.


Criteria that measure result discussed.


Clear action path chalked.


Realistic processes designed

Time Bound

Clearly defined milestones agreed on

Our Programs Levels


Level 1


Level 2


Level 3

Level 1


Discover your career path ,know about choices in the path and prepare for it

Step 1: Take Internationally accepted tests for checking your interest and personality

Step 2:

– Speak to Soumyo Duttagupta, NCDA USA  certified Career Guidance Counselor.

– Understand your interest, and personality profile

– Know the Career path which fit you best.

– Discover and discuss the options within these career paths.

Step 3: Decide on the right courses to pursue in Grade XI, Under Graduate and Post Graduate levels.

Step 4: Identify  and pursue the right projects / internships / professional courses to explore your interest and build your profile

Step 5: Finalize the best fit Universities across the World and apply to them with a strong profile and essays to support your candidature

Meet Career Guidance Counselor, Mr. Soumyo Duttagupta

Level 2


Explore your career paths

Step 1: Choose a career area within the career paths.


Career Cluster Choice: Agriculture, food, and natural resources

Career Path Choice: Renewables and Environmental Systems

Career Area Choices: Environmental Economist, Renewable energy engineer, Conservation biologist

Step 2: Speak to an expert for 30 minutes.

Step 3: Repeat it for other career areas.

Level 3


Practice a career path

Choose a career area within the career path and complete an 8-week program under the guidance of a mentor.

Week 1: Planning

Weeks 2 to 3: Concept building

Weeks 4 to 7: Project design and execution

Week 8: Submission of report and certification